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All Discontinued Editions


All Discontinued Editions


The earth has become inhospitable after the "Third World War" and this has wiped out much of the human race.


To avoid the total extinction of humanity, a ship manned by two humanoids, Ragna, and Neferu, is launched into space. And they will do it with a single mission: to find a planet in which to create a new generation of human beings, from genetic data that they carry in what they call the heart of the ship.

Book file
Title: Station One
Genre: Science fiction
Number of pages: 232
Publication year: 2018
Cover design: Africa Huertas González
Cover design for the digital edition: Marina Hidalgo
ISBN: 978-84-17298-09-8

During their odyssey, which will last a little over forty of our years, the new representatives of humanity will evolve and will face different obstacles that they must overcome in order to achieve the success of their mission.


Don't miss the most important space mission of all time: SAVE HUMANITY.


All Discontinued Editions


The Storm Chasers are a legend to everyone, but fate, or chance, makes them very real for Kirt after seeing them in action. His life will change and his longing to become one of them will lead him on a quest where he will discover the secret behind this hunt, and that the Storm Chasers are not the only ones interested in the power behind these mysterious catastrophes.

Book file
Title: Storm Chasers
Genre: Fantasy
Number of pages: 210
Publication year: 2016
Cover design: Marina Hidalgo
Cover Illustration: Roxy Hana
ISBN: 978-84-945575-0-7
book sheet

All Discontinued Editions


Prepare, aim, tension and shoot. It took longer to think about it than to do it, and Eyrin knew that very well. The banishment seemed like a very severe punishment for being carried away by his emotions, but no one spoke in his favor at his trial, not even his family. Like the bow he had just fired, the initial tremor had subsided and now only emptiness and uncertainty remained. What would you do now?

He should feel anger, want revenge on those he had previously considered equals, and yet he was only concerned about finding where to fit in. Was there such a place where he didn't have to hold back?

Book file
Title: Chronicles of Orbe. Eyrin
Genre: Fantasy
Number of pages: 120
Publication year: 2017
Cover design: Marina Hidalgo
Cover Illustration: Roxy Hana
ISBN: 978-84-945575-0-7

All Discontinued Editions

Book file
Title: Wars of Power. Schism 1
Genre: Fantasy
Binding: Softcover with flaps
Number of pages: 270
Publication year: 2018
Cover Illustration: Roxy Hana
Cover design: Marina Hidalgo
ISBN: 978-84-949690-0-3

Saya had always been very clear about her destiny. Ever since her uncles sold her to the brothel, and began her studies as Oiran, she had known perfectly what her life would be like, and was already beginning to believe that she would never leave the neighborhood of red lights, when, on the night of her consecration, a masked man and albino samurai bought his debt.

After accepting the new turn that her life has taken, the girl, now freed from her courtesan position, will have to learn to live in a place different from everything she knows, working for the mysterious patron who has freed her while trying to adapt to his new way of life, and of being.

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