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Title: Wars of Power. Schism 1
Genre: Fantasy
Binding: Softcover with flaps
Number of pages: 270
Publication year: 2018
Cover Illustration: Roxy Hana
Cover design: Marina Hidalgo
ISBN: 978-84-949690-0-3

Saya had always been very clear about her destiny. Ever since her uncles sold her to the brothel, and began her studies as Oiran, she had known perfectly what her life would be like, and was already beginning to believe that she would never leave the neighborhood of red lights, when, on the night of her consecration, a masked man and albino samurai bought his debt.

After accepting the new turn that her life has taken, the girl, now freed from her courtesan position, will have to learn to live in a place different from everything she knows, working for the mysterious patron who has freed her while trying to adapt to his new way of life, and of being.

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