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All Self-Completing Books


All Self-Completing Books

Cover of "The Regret of Elenor"

Roze had always been very clear about her role in that story. As a nobleman's daughter, her duty was to marry and do well; with a man of a position equal to or better than hers. Unlike other girls her age, Roze did not seek or desire that typical wild romance that novels talked about; especially considering that the man chosen by her family to be her husband was in love with another. But what could Roze do except be the villain in that story and tear the happy couple apart?

Book file
Title: An End for the Villain
Genre: Romance
Binding: Softcover without flaps
Number of pages: 268
Year of publication: 2021
Cover and interior illustrations: Lourdes Hidalgo Viva
Co-author: Lourdes Hidalgo Viva
ISBN: 979-86-74-51786-3
book sheet
Cover of "The Soul Weaver"

Throughout the centuries the inhabitants of Sinnos have lived their day to day believing they are the masters of their own destiny, without knowing that they are nothing more than puppets interpreting a work written long ago. But what if one of them had been born with the power to see, modify and even create the threads of the rest? What if there was a whole people dedicated to protecting and deciding fate?

What could he do, a boy without a name or a future, if he had that gift? Would she change her fate or would she allow herself to be drawn into it?

Book file
Title: The Weaver of Souls
Genre: Fantasy
Binding: Softcover without flaps
Number of pages: 210
Publication year: 2020
Cover Illustration: Tamara Kadoura
Cover design: Roma García
ISBN: 978-84-09-18587-0
Qualification:   The Weaver of Souls
Gender:   Fantasy


Binding: Soft cover without flaps
Number of pages: 210
Year of publication: 2020
Cover illustration: Tamara Kadoura
Cover design: Roma Garcia
ISBN:  978-84-09-18587-0 

All Self-Completing Books


All Self-Completing Books

Based on the false news on the internet called "the Mona Lisa of the moon", Station One, is a journey through time with space as a setting where past and future merge into the same thing.


In the not too distant future life on Earth expires after an inevitable third world war. Ragna and Neferu, two artificially created humanoids by the last survivors, are on a mission to find a place similar to what was once the planet they leave behind to recreate life on Earth. However, their experiences during the trip, as well as the opinions that each one is forming about what the human being means, will lead them to wonder if that is what they really should do.

Book file
Title: Station One
Genre: Science fiction
Binding: Softcover without flaps
Number of pages: 348
Publication year: 2020
Cover design for the physical edition: Roma García
Cover design for the digital edition: Marina Hidalgo
ISBN: 978-84-09-15946-8
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All Self-Completing Books

Cover of "An End for the Villainess"

Roze had always been very clear about her role in that story. As a nobleman's daughter, her duty was to marry and do well; with a man of a position equal to or better than hers. Unlike other girls her age, Roze did not seek or desire that typical wild romance that novels talked about; especially considering that the man chosen by her family to be her husband was in love with another. But what could Roze do except be the villain in that story and tear the happy couple apart?

Book file
Title: An End for the Villain
Genre: Romance
Binding: Softcover without flaps
Number of pages: 268
Year of publication: 2021
Cover and interior illustrations: Lourdes Hidalgo Viva
Co-author: Lourdes Hidalgo Viva
ISBN: 979-86-74-51786-3
book sheet
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