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Book file
Title: Tólenmaq. The Son of the Dragon
Genre: Fantasy
Binding: Softcover with flaps
Number of pages: 239
Publication year: 2018
Cover illustration: Marina Hidalgo
Cover design: Rubén Rodríguez
ISBN: 978-84-949402-8-6

Tólenmaq: Son of the Dragon is the first part of a fantasy collection.


After the death of the last king, war has broken out between the most important noble families in the country; Count Lacquin threatens the borders of the Vaylot and the Galfly, faced since the murder of Lord Vaylot's sister by the current lord of the Galfly, and in the north everything is chaos because of the love affairs of the Gray Knight, who has turned everyone against his family, the Castha. Faced with the prospect of an imminent massacre, both the Temple and the Druids, two conflicting forces in terms of culture and beliefs, decide to meet with the intention of choosing the next monarch, to whom they will give their full support in the war. Nothing clear comes out of that meeting except one thing: the prophecy of a King who will surpass all others, who will be the son of Count Lacquin, and who will raise the status of that kingdom to that of empire. An unborn King who is prey to a terrible curse.


The Son of the Dragon, introduces us to what will be a fantasy saga where there are no properly defined good or bad, but all the characters fight, make and break according to their own personal interests. We see nuances of the Celtic culture that has lasted to this day, and its disappearance due to a new belief that is gradually curdling in the minds and hearts of the inhabitants. We discover everyday symbols with a new meaning and references to some classics.


In this work you will discover the birth of an empire called Tólenmaq. If the chosen one manages to save himself from his destiny, of course.

Book file
Title: Tólenmaq. Return of the Magician
Genre: Fantasy
Binding: Softcover with flaps
Number of pages: 228
Publication year: 2020
Cover illustration: Marina Hidalgo
Cover design: Rubén Rodríguez
Illustration by Imbolt (p. 203):
Ares D.
ISBN: 978-84-121544-1-2

Everything is about to change in this second installment of Tólenmaq. In Return of the Magician, the world will become uninhabitable for the Druids at a time in their history when the Gods themselves seem to have abandoned them; Dragnart Lacquin will proclaim himself king at the expense of the prophecy that it would be his son who would access the throne, and the rest of the nobles and warriors will have to decide whether to support or confront him.


However, it was not only the perishable world that will be affected by the bloodshed and the emergence of the faith of the Temple. Thanks to Myrddin, and his decision to leave his past behind, we will delve into the classic mythology of this story; in their deities and their legends. Thus, while in the world of men the birth of a second magician marks the beginning of a new era of magic, the decisions of the former will seal his fate and with it that of the destined to become king.


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